Have you thought about what will happen to your charitable fund after your lifetime? For over 40 years, we have worked with donors and their families to carefully develop charitable plans for both during and after their lifetimes. Our team of philanthropic advisors can help you determine the best option and document your plans. We offer a variety of options for donors who want to carry out their charitable legacy beyond their lifetimes.

Gather and Unify
Your successor advisors can make grants based on your documented charitable intent.
Divide and Multiply
You can split your original donor-advised fund into multiple funds so each successor advisor has their own fund from which they can grant to their favorite charities.
Leave the Work to Us
We can manage the grantmaking from your fund based on your documented charitable intent.
You can designate a portion of your charitable assets for your successor advisors to grant from while we grant the remaining assets according to your documented plans.
Check out our new resource, Use a Charitable Fund – Now and Beyond Your Lifetime and contact us with any questions at info@growyourgiving.org or 816.842.0944.
Authored by: Whitney Hosty, Senior Philanthropic Advisor